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Fantastic night at the opening of _varia


My approach to art is experimental in that I like to combine unusual materials and diverse techniques. I am drawn to geometric forms and a bold use of colour. I am very process oriented but also like to let my work develop intuitively & so, I seek to find a balance between intuitive, gestural elements along with more structured influences based on technology or almost mechanical processes.

I like to find new ways to create my work by making my own tools and applying technology such as laser cutting machines to cut or etch into some of my artworks. While I am studying painting, I also try to integrate sculptural pieces into my practice as I like to question the boundaries between the two. For instance, a painting with that is so structural & textured that people want to run their fingers over it in the same way that they might on a harp; or creating a series of laser cut and etched acrylic pieces that sit flat, collectively, on the wall as a traditional painting would.  

In the past year, I have been focusing on ideas around identity and perception, stemming from my interest in multiculturalism. This was initially based on the dynamics of my own family, however, given the changing population of Ireland and of many other countries, I see huge scope for exploring this subject in more depth in the future.  

My work is abstract, and often creates ambiguity, which I hope encourages viewers to consider the artwork, not just for its aesthetics, but to look for some of what is beyond aesthetics, reflecting ideas regarding identity and perception.


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